Want to improve your writing and storytelling skills? Want to be able to better connect and find YOUR audience for your stories? Want to sell a lot of books and have the writing career of your dreams?
I am a story wizard. I am able to easily pinpoint your story and character issues. I quickly assess and articulate exactly what you need to fix. I know where the story wants and needs to go in order to find its perfect audience. And I do it all while encouraging you to find and embrace your authentic voice.
I zero in on your source of writer’s block, resistance, or any other issues you may be having that doesn’t allow you to freely create the story you want to tell. NOTE: I don't actually BELIEVE in writer's block; there are YOU blocks, or your resistance.
I am a rock star at helping writers let GO of perceived perfections and embrace their messy, for that is where YOUR GENIUS resides!
Embrace your mess,
it's where your genius resides.
Who i am
Christina Trevaskis is a former Borders executive who has spent more than twenty-five years in the publishing industry wearing many different hats: reader, bookseller, marketing specialist, and now author coach and developmental editor, which is the crown she prefers donning. Throughout her career she has worked with New York Times and USA Today Bestselling authors such as Suzanne Brockmann, Lora Leigh, Bella Andre, Catherine Mann, Karin Tabke, Sylvia Day, Stella Cameron, Maya Banks, Cat Porter, Lorelei James, and Sherrilyn Kenyon.
She stepped into the self-publishing world forming her business, Book Matchmaker, six years ago with the intention of helping authors navigate the ever-changing publishing landscape and discovered she also had the knack for helping authors find and embrace their own unique writing voice, help them improve their storytelling skills, and write the stories they could only dream of writing.
She's a Book Matchmaker, a publishing partner, a creative coach for books and their authors. She helps them BOTH be all they can be and more, working with the authors to bring more balance into their life, so they can get back to the real dream of writing.
Want to know more about working with me?
Let's chat today.
Congratulations to client Victoria Paige for being named Holt Medallion 2019 Finalist for her book Captive Lies!
some of what Christina's clients have to say about her services:
“Christina Trevaskis has incredible instincts. She is able to hone in immediately on my character and story issues: what’s lacking, what’s needed, where my structure needs bolstering, where my characters drift. Where I need to go. No matter the shape my draft is in, either the wreck of an early version or the more honed, revised ones, Tina easily wades through my muck, shines her light where I need to find the jewels within. She is a true professional and a brilliant, gifted editor who is extremely supportive and positive in the way she articulates her ideas, always focusing on the writer’s unique strengths. I have found her support and direction invaluable. I’ve grown as a writer, finally learning to trust my own instincts and be more fearless than ever before. I cannot envision ever working without her.”
“Once I completed the first draft of my first novel, I screwed up my courage and sent the manuscript off to my favorite author’s developmental editor, Christina Trevaskis. Was I intimidated? Yes, but only at first. Tina’s enthusiasm and goodwill quickly put me at ease. She has a positive genius for identifying a story’s strengths and weaknesses. Her knowledge and skills are unmatched. She is patient, astute, and wise. She taught me to write fearlessly and from the heart. Hiring Christina Trevaskis was one of the smartest things I’ve ever done.”
“Christina Trevaskis edits in a way that she allows the author to keep her voice, while at the same time highlighting issues within the story. Having an editor who not only loves the genre but spent years hand selling as well as marketing romance in a brick and mortar store, she ‘gets’ it. I highly recommend Tina.”

upcoming events
Write Out Loud: The Old Guard
Join me for a truly unique webinar in Write Out Loud: The Old Guard
In this one time workshop, we will explore the world of The Old Guard, how it took storytelling to a new level, and is breaking all the records at Netflix. Be ready for a fierce discussion of story, characters, and attention to detail that you can use to take YOUR writing to a level you never expected. As I developed this workshop I realized how much it was a masterclass in itself of Show vs Tell.
Join me for an in depth analysis of the storytelling in The Old Guard. Watch the movie ahead of the class and be ready to discuss story, characters, and of course, show vs tell!
Class space is limited. Session begins TBD
Contact me at Christina@BookMatchmaker.com with any questions.
Write Out Loud: Show vs Tell
You've heard the expression Show vs Tell, but do you know what it means? After this class you will not only have a better grasp of what it means to show, not tell, but you will do so with a dynamic storytelling ability!
This workshop will be much more in depth to the concept of Show vs Tell and how to recognize it while you're writing. There will be a live Q&A following the presentation.
Session begins TBD
Contact me at Christina@BookMatchmaker.com with any questions.
Write Out Loud:
Finding and Owning the Fearless Writer Within
You think you have what it takes to be a writer, but suddenly you're getting advice from everyone on how to write, what to write, and everything gets lost in the noise and you suddenly don't even know where to start.
Or maybe you're a seasoned writer who has lost the passion in what you're currently writing. Or you're looking to get your writing to the next level, make a best seller list, or find more readers and make more money. More money is always a goal, right? But how do you get more attention and make more money?
In this workshop you will learn how to shut out the voices (unless they're coming from your characters) and take control of your writing. Leave all the noise behind and learn to fearlessly write out loud!
Included in the workshop is a live Q & A, a copy of all the materials, and a workbook character sketch.
Join us TBD to bolster your writing skills and give your words power with Christina’s insider knowledge of the publishing industry to launch your book from dreams into reality.
Here's what past attendees have said about the workshop:
"I’ve been cranking out chapters based on your advice. The magic happens in the editing, right? I can’t look at it right now. I want to keep going through chapters and editing instead of going forward. Hemingway is TOTALLY wrong about the writing drunk part, by the way. I like your idea better, since I’ve tried both this week. Ha!"
Kristina, aspiring author
"Christina cuts to the quick simply and fiercely, and we clearly see and feel the exciting, bright possibilities that have always been within our reach."
Cat Porter
“Write Out Loud helped me find my new mantra: Write daily with fearless authenticity…because they don’t know they want it until they read it! I am enjoying writing again and moving closer to my goal each day. My thanks to Christina for the inspirational encouragement!”
Melissa, aspiring author
"Christina has this magical way of opening you up to your depths where the fear of being seen lies, then gently guides you towards your authenticity because this is how you will be connecting with your audience. She urges each of us to write WILD without reservations, to do what scares you, and to take risks sharing all your magic through your words. She has helped me to feel that the impossible is possible, that I have a story to share and that others are wanting to read it."
Safira, aspiring author, lifestyle coach, amazing goddess, warrior beast
Write Out Loud:
Stranger Things Writer’s Workshop
Join me for a Write Out Loud: Stranger Things Writer’s Workshop.
Fan of the show Stranger Things? Ever wonder what makes their storytelling so good?
Do you want to improve your own writing? How about write stories like Stranger Things and become a phenomenon? Join me for an in depth analysis of the storytelling in Stranger Things.
In this workshop, I will take you through the epic first season of the world wide phenomenon and teach you how to incorporate their compelling narrative into your own storytelling skills.
The watch (or re-watch) begins TBD, with each episode having a study guide with questions & answers, writing prompts, and more. All of the information will be provided TBD, so that you may work at your own pace. Viewing of all the episodes is completely autonomous. Season 1 is available on DVD, so you don’t need to have Netflix to participate.
The live online class is TBD where we’ll be transported back to Hawkins, Indiana circa 1983 and explore The Upside Down and all that is Strange.
Class space is limited. Next session begins TBD.
Write Out Loud:
Capturing and Connecting with Your Audience
What makes us love an author's book? There are a multitude of reasons, but in some way we connect with the characters, the story, or just the way we're drawn into the worlds (and words) an author creates. We connect with the author, the writer.
This workshop is different from the previous Write Out Loud Workshop (Finding and Owning the Fearless Writer Within). While there are some overlaps this workshop is much more detailed and in depth with regard to HOW YOUR writing is what is going to attract your audience.
It's about being completely vulnerable and writing with an open heart, drawing in all the emotions while writing and creating an experience for your readers that they won't forget. (And they'll come back for MORE from YOU!)
It's about Storytelling vs Writing, the difference between the two and how that will impact and help you more effectively capture and connect you with your story, your voice, your readers.
I will talk about choosing critique partners and editors that will help you best connect with your audience.
You'll learn how to bust through writer's block and how to recognize it before it even starts.
And so much more!
Here's what past attendees have said about the workshop:
“Christina’s advice never fails to improve my writing. When I’m having trouble with a scene or a character, it’s her voice guiding me out of the oblivion.”
Kristina, aspiring author
“In Write Out Loud: Capturing and Connecting with Your Audience, Christina offers fresh inspiration to empower writers. Learning to be an open-hearted writer has moved me to a place within myself that is bubbling with creativity!”
Brenda, aspiring author